Wednesday, 25 November 2009

"holidays are comin'…"

NDGD Xmas Bash - Thursday 17th December 1pm - 4pm
Sue, Mandy, Kate & Tim can't wait…we are in serious need of some christmas spirit(s)…

Monday, 23 November 2009

we're big on the internet!!

We are on the current news stories list for the official Blackburn College website, in fact we are on the front page of the website at the moment!!! Featured is the story of Rob Dignan and his two prize winning logos that he has designed while being in the second year. We have already written about his ARC project logo, but we have been keeping the Crem International design under wraps until it goes into productive use, so watch this space for further on that. Another well done to Rob…future logo designer/internet celebrity!

Read the Blackburn College article about Rob's design success here
Visit the Blackburn College website here

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Young Northern Designer 2010

The Northern Design Competition 2010 website went live recently, which followers of our blog & the NDGD adventures should be familiar with, because in the 2009 Young Northern Designer competition, we had three of our students shortlisted into the final!!! As such, when you click through to the 2010 Young Northern Designer category, you are greeted with a fantastic picture of ex-student Alex Hindle, all suited & booted, being presented with his award for his advertising project. We are of course, now gearing up to enter the 2010 competition with our current second years…the submission isn't until April, but watch this space for any developments. No pressure guys, but we want at least FIVE finalists this year…
You can visit the Young Northern Designer 2010 page here
See the YND 09 archive with Alex & Jake's work here…
See the YND 09 artwork from Alex, Jake & Jack here…

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

it's all part of the act…

The heat is on for the 2nd years. Team A and Team B are fighting it out in the weekly Great Big Advertising Quiz, and it has to be said that Group A are trouncing Group B so far! The T.V. ad re-enactment week was one to remember though, with some great performances! The oscar went to Tom Eccles for his excellent role as the little girl in the Haribo 'sign the confession' ad - he even sported a cute ittle pigtail…bless him.
We're not sure about graphic designers, but we reckon you are a bunch of frustrated actors…walk-on parts & movie roles surely await…
So, watch this space for the final results of the advertising quiz…come on Team B - pull it back, pull it back!