Busy, busy, busy…we can't believe it's been a month and no posts! We have all been working away on stuff though. The second years are well into the Final Major Projects now, and most of them are shaping up nicely - no sneaky peeks yet however, we want the exhibition night to be a nice surprise…
The first years are busy finishing up all their projects in time for their progressional interviews into the second year of the course…most of them seem to be keeping their cool so far. In other first year news - they have recently taken part in a special commission for BBC Radio Lancashire. We were approached here at NDGD by the radio station and asked to pitch artwork ideas for their new upcoming 2026 exhibition space. Our students split up into teams, gave themselves cool names, and set to designing window graphics and interior display graphics. Each team then pitched their ideas live on air during the Easter break, and all-boys team The EX-perts came out on top. Our lads (Jake Culshaw, Lewis Garforth and Adam Simpson) are now putting final & finishing touches to the artwork, and are getting it ready to go to print.
A massive well done, and we are looking forward to seeing the exhibition space when its completed…keep an eye on the blog for launch dates for the exhibition etc
Read more about the artwork pitch at BBC Radio Lancashire's page here