Friday, 12 February 2010

stuck on you…

At times it seemed like a never-ending story, and there was stickers everywhere, but the first years have finally reached the journal project deadline. We have found out some deep dark secrets, some rather wicked senses of humour, and above all, some really great potential illustrators! Here are a few of the highlights…just click on the image to get a closer look.

"probably the best advertising in the class…"

So, we have been pretty quiet here on our blog recently, but at NDGD we are super-busy as always! The second years are getting portfolios together & going out to interviews for university courses…some nervous looking faces, but the portfolios are looking a little bit special. The second years have also just finished some major deadlines, one of them being the advertising project - there have been some fantastic responses to the brief, and here are just a few of the highlights…just click on the image to get a closer look.