Wednesday, 31 March 2010

final cuts…

Our second years are as busy as always, and have just completed a number of projects including, children's illustrated stories, packaging, fanzines and a series of film posters, a selection of which you can see here. Just click on the image to get a closer look…

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

leaving the nest…

We are proud to say that all of our second year students have been offered places at university, the majority of which have made their final choices and are going to be moving to pastures new next academic year. Here are just some of the uni's they will be attending…


We wish them all the best for the future, but we would like it very much if they stay and finish their FMP's first!!! Back to the sketch…

Friday, 26 March 2010

work (and play)

The NDGD students and staff have just recently visited Manchester to see the Cube Gallery's latest exhibition - Alan Fletcher: Fifty years of work (and play). It was a great day out, with all of the second years definitely enjoying the experience, and being bowled over by the work of one of the icons of modern graphic design. It was wasted on some of our students however, who thought that buying trainers or visiting Primark was all that Manchester had to offer. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, as the saying goes…

The Alan Fletcher exhibit is definitely worth a visit, and is set to run until 3rd April 2010 at the Cube Gallery, Portland Street, Manchester. More info on the exhibition & the Cube Gallery can be found here

It was an eventful & memorable trip to say the least, and the NDGD staff had their eyes opened…we got tips on buying Hi-Top trainers, and we were exposed to shopaholics, desperate toilet habits, and a bit of vomit!!!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


We here at NDGD just wanted to say a huge congratulations to one of our second years, Elliot Pickering, and his girlfriend Natalie, for the arrival of their gorgeous baby girl, Emie who was born over the weekend. We believe she was born on the 28th, weighed 7 lbs, and Natalie was a whopping 20 hours in labour. Everyone is agreed that it was definitely worth it…congratulations again & we look forward to meeting little Emie soon…as long as we aren't on nappy duty!!