Wednesday, 25 August 2010

blast form the past…

We remember all of our students with great fondness, most of the time, and although some of you forget about us very quickly once you're gone, we are (almost) like elephants - we never forget! So as we flicked through the summer edition of Computer Arts, we were really happy to see a very old student of ours in its pages. Ed Hall was an NDGD student several years ago, and after his time with us he progressed to the BA course here in Blackburn too. Ed is now a member of Manchester design firm Love Creative, and has produced some great work, most notably for sports brand Umbro. Creative Arts talked to Ed (in the purple box, pictured) about his experiences getting a job in the design industry. Although it has been a long time since we have seen him, we feel very proud to see one of our own in a design magazine, and would like to congratulate him on being a great success :)

To get a closer look at the article, just click on the picture
Computer Arts is out every month, and is available at most decent news stands
To check out the Love Creative website click here

the more things change…

Things have been quiet on the blog-front during summer - but that's only because we have all been super busy getting ready for another year of fantastic, cool designing! We here at ndgd are getting ready for some changes to take place - the times they are a changing, and we have to do certain things to keep up so keep your eyes peeled as we get the finishing touches ready. We won't be changing that much though, and we are still gonna be super-cool, and we are still going to be always watching