Wednesday, 10 November 2010

monkeying around…

Sock Monkee, or Chris Sandlin, which is the name his mother gave him - is a U.S. based illustrator specialising in the craziest character driven illustrations and some great looking typography work. Most of this illustration work gets applied to t-shirts for some cool, independent clothing labels - there is also his very own line of t-shirts on the online shop page. First years may find this inspirational as a late addition to your NCFE & Unit 34 research documents, as well as giving you some ideas for how to apply your finished illustrations onto t-shirts in the coming couple of weeks. There is even a photo-shoot section, which you first years may also find helpful (use the Look Book link on Chris Sandlin's website)
You second years may just find the combinations of socks and monkee's and drawings nice to look at!!

Visit Chris Sandlin's website and portfolio here

Visit the Sock Monkee online store here

Always watching…

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

the best things in life…

Some of you will have already heard us mention this, because it has been up on our Facebook thread recently, but free graphics stuff is always worth a second mention, right?! Hydro74 is a very talented chap - all his design, illustration & typography work have a very dark, distinct style, and he has worked on projects for Nike, K2 Snowboards & Quicksilver to name just a few. He is in the process of starting up his own type foundry, titled Legacy Of Defeat, and at the moment he is giving away several of his fonts, free of charge!! Very stylish, so head over at take a look, and grab yourself a couple while he is still feeling generous

View the Legacy Of Defeat page here
View Hydro74's website, with his portfolio & other bits here

Monday, 1 November 2010

tickled pink

It's been a quiet blogging year so far - apologies guys, but this academic year is turning out to be a hectic one - we are already halfway to Christmas!! On the last day of the half-term (22nd October) Blackburn College took part in a Pink Friday, to help raise money for the Breast Cancer Care organisation. There was lots of goings-on across college, and everyone was encouraged to wear something pink & make a small donation. We are happy to say that our second year students did us mighty proud, and tickled us all pink in the process, as some of them definitely pushed the boat out in order to help a worthy cause :)

just click on the picture to take a close look and have a giggle

To find out more about Breast Cancer Care Pink Fridays , click here