Sock Monkee, or Chris Sandlin, which is the name his mother gave him - is a U.S. based illustrator specialising in the craziest character driven illustrations and some great looking typography work. Most of this illustration work gets applied to t-shirts for some cool, independent clothing labels - there is also his very own line of t-shirts on the online shop page. First years may find this inspirational as a late addition to your NCFE & Unit 34 research documents, as well as giving you some ideas for how to apply your finished illustrations onto t-shirts in the coming couple of weeks. There is even a photo-shoot section, which you first years may also find helpful (use the Look Book link on Chris Sandlin's website)
You second years may just find the combinations of socks and monkee's and drawings nice to look at!!
Visit Chris Sandlin's website and portfolio here
Visit the Sock Monkee online store here
Always watching…