Monday, 21 March 2011

a close shave…

So our second years really got into the spirit of things on Friday: Michael Duddle made us proud and didn't wimp out, Mark brought in his clippers and a razor, we all wore something red, and Brandon even made a big Deadmau5 head to attract some more attention to our cause! It was such a nice day, that we set up our barber shop outside… We had loads of fun, and raised nearly £50 in aid of Comic Relief…well done guys - you all deserve a slap on the head!!
Click on the picture to get a closer look
A full photo album will hopefully surface on Facebook soon, so we can tag all your lovely faces!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

hair today, gone tomorrow…

We are a nice bunch here at NDGD… so in the spirit of Comic Relief, tomorrow (18 March) we are trying to do our bit. We are all meeting in the Art & Design foyer from 10:30 onwards for a money raising event: Michael Duddle, one of our second years, is letting us shave his head for cold, hard, Red Nose Day cash! If you are around college, come down and help support us - and bring some sponsorship pennies!
You may even be able to get a hair cut yourself…