Monday, 30 January 2012

flying the nest…

Our second years have been preparing their portfolios, and have witnessed what not to do in the interview room, thanks to Mandy and Sue… with Sue displaying perhaps the WORST interview technique by anyone, ever! The real-life interviews are starting to come thick and fast now, and before long we are hoping to have all our little birds snapped up by various universities. So far we have had students accepted into UCLAN, Blackpool & The Fylde, Stockport, and Bolton Institute…
As the other interview dates start to arrive, we are hoping to send more of our second years out to show off their work, and do us all proud at EDGD!

Friday, 27 January 2012

you've been framed…

On Friday the 3rd of February, our brand new Beacon Centre has its official opening! It's sure to be a very posh affair, with lots of important visitors coming to see all our students in action, as well as to check out our new home. In preparation, many of the Creative Arts courses are organising an exhibition space to show off all our students skills… and here is our current selection process. We are going to display work from both our current 1st and 2nd years in the exhibition space, and we are planning to have lots of examples of finished projects from over the past few years up in our base rooms!
It will probably be a busy one next week, so we will hopefully get some more pictures up of the preparations, as well as of the grand opening itself! Always watching…

Monday, 9 January 2012

brand new start…

A little bit belated, but happy new year everyone! It has been all systems go the past week for us here at EDGD…we have been settling into our new building and trying to make ourselves at home. We now have real lifts, rather than a maintenance lift - handy for some of us because there are waaaaaaay more stairs in our new home! The biggest loss is the fact that there is no more Dragon's Den…yes our little office has gone forever! So any ex-students who wish to pay us all a visit any time soon, then find your way to the new Beacon Centre and head up to BC-4-06, which is the new second year base-room.
We shall get photos up soon, when we have unpacked a bit more, and hopefully we shall get some new student work photos up too…