Wednesday, 24 April 2013

portfolio peek

Tim has very nearly finished the new course portfolio to promote the UAL EDGD. Here are a couple of sneak peeks of some student work. The whole portfolio will be going up on our Facebook page as soon as possible!

Click on the images to get a closer look. To view the full portfolio, check out our Facebook here

Monday, 22 April 2013

Sniffing Glue(books)

Our first years are currently working on their FMP for the year which is a fanzine project. One of Sue, Mandy & Tims favourite inspirations for projects like this is always Thomas Schostok and his Glue-books. Although technically not fanzines, we love the experimentation that goes on with the cut and paste techniques throughout his work. So if any first years are reading this, check out his work for some possible visual inspiration!

You can see more from the Thomas Schostok glue-books here

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

it's time…

It's official. It's that time of year again… Final Major Project time! Or referred to by us lot as FMP, and sometimes Fuh Muh Puh. All our students are underway working on their big, amazing, final projects for the year… the second years have already written their proposals and project outlines before the Easter break, and are now working on ideas generation for their campaigns, books, charity initiatives etc. We don't want to give anything away at the moment, because we want to make sure you come down to the end of year exhibition in June… which sounds a loooooooooooong way off, but trust us, it will be here in no time!!
The first years are also working away on their version of the FMP, which is a Fanzine project. 8 solid weeks to pitch, research, write, design, and make an entire first edition of their chosen favourite subject!

Stay tuned for updates and sneak peeks of FMP progress, and keep your diaries handy for when we announce the opening night of our exhibition :)

Monday, 15 April 2013

i heart new york…

Hope everyone had a nice Easter break, and ate loads of chocolate!! We are glad to be back at 'work', and are super excited to announce that… we are planning a trip to New York!!

Open to second year Creative Arts students, and hopefully taking place in March 2014, this is going to be amazing. Statue Of Liberty, Empire State Building, MoMA, Central Park, 1WTC, Grand Central, Soho, plus many more are all on the list to visit during our 5 day trip. Current first years that are planning to come on the trip next year, we need your £100 deposit asap… you then have an entire year to pay of the remaining balance for the trip (well, 10 months actually!)

Exciting times :)