Monday, 21 October 2013

happy accidents…

As we approach half-term (already?!?!), we would like to share some advice/inspiration. As always, we don't want you to just take our word for it, so we have chosen a quote from someone a lot more 'famous' than team EDGD. Scott Adams originally said this about 'art' (He is the guy that created the Dilbert comic strip), but it has been paraphrased over time by designers…

Making mistakes is part of the creative process. Get all your ideas down on paper, even the 'rubbish' ones. Don't be afraid to experiment and make a mess, and don't ever throw things away! Becoming a designer is learning about this mistake making process, and then recognising which mistakes are actually solutions…

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Unfortunately, Blackburn College has had to cancel our planned trip to New York next March. This is a great shame, and we think all the students who were going to be involved from the graphics, photography, art & design, music, and interior design courses are all disappointed. However, we aren't beaten just yet… we are looking at other possible destinations slightly closer to home. We don't want to give anything away, but the EDGD favourite choice is a city somewhere in Europe… that speak French.

Stay tuned for our holiday updates…

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

changing tune…

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in March, we mentioned that our first years were working on a live brief with the Red Rosettes choir. Well, over the summer the Red Rosettes rolled out the new logo that we had designed for them. The winning logo was designed by Tom Simpson, who is now in our second year. His final logo is pictured here, along with a couple of shots of the identity in action. We want to say thank you to the Red Rosettes choir for giving EDGD the opportunity to work on this project. We hope they are happy with the end result…

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

big it up 2013…

September has flown by already here at EDGD, so much so that we have forgotten to keep you posted with our goings on!! Our new first year is the biggest one we have had for a few years, and with the addition of some late starters, we are actually struggling to fit them all in the base room! As always, we did a quick 'game' of Big It Up, to get them all working together and loosen up a bit. Here are the tasty final results, with Team Milky Bar crowned the winners by a group vote :)