Wednesday, 16 February 2011


Our second years are currently creating their children's illustrated books. They have toiled away, writing some fantastic, original stories and are now beginning the really fun part of the project - coming up with the illustrations. As is always true with any project - the finest solutions come from lots of experimentation - testing out ideas and developing a unique style. The video above takes a look at the work of Axel Scheffler, most famous for illustrating the Gruffalo character. A great video that showcases how even the professionals start at the drawing board and have to work hard at developing their illustrations.
Hope this inspires some of you second years… remember to not be scared of making mistakes, and have fun experimenting.

Also for you guys to have a look at, there is a video of illustrator Emily Gravett talking through taking her drawings through into Photoshop… this video will make you want to start saving for a graphics tablet!! View Emily Gravett's workshop here

You get what you give…

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