the letter ‘A’ generally means only one thing to second year EDGD students…Advertising!! Yes, the advertising brief for 2011-2012 is underway. We are still in the early stages at the moment, the guys have been given their products by now, but it is all still research, terminology and word-play so far. However, one of the first stages is always to test the second years knowledge of advertising with Sue's Big Bad Advertising Quiz. With the quiz came an opportunity to fill up two more slots on our Star Awards wall, by naming and shaming both the class winner, and the unfortunate class loser.
A pat-on-the-back goes to Martin Hay for winning the quiz with the most correct answers, and our ‘it's the taking part that counts’ crown goes to Liam Davis for his unfortunate score in the quiz. It's onwards and upwards from here - good luck to both lads, and the rest of the group in producing some amazing advertising campaigns!!
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