Tuesday, 4 October 2011

green with envy?

Our favourite magazine, Computer Arts got a bit of a re-design recently, and with that came some new features. One of these is that the magazine now goes into a different design studio or company each month, interviews the designers and explores the type of work they all do, presenting all this as a video for you to watch with popcorn!!
The first of these visits was to The Partners studio, based in London. While talking to one of the head designers, Jackie Renwick, she discussed what she looks for in a designer, and she said “…some work that makes me jealous, some work that makes me laugh, and good ideas”. Even though technically she mentioned the designer, we all know that the best representation of anyone's work is their portfolio…so we think this is a great little bit of advice for you second years since you will be getting your portfolio's ready for the outside world soon!

So, what are you waiting for? Get started, and make some people jealous… You can check out The Partners, some of their work, or their blog, right here.

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